CEM Corp. says Oracle — a fat analyzer that requires no calibration, no method development and is capable of analyzing any type of fat from 0.05% to 100.0% with reference chemistry accuracy — is delivering savings to dairy manufacturers. Based on patented advanced NMR technology that detects all fat molecules in any sample matrix, Oracle can test samples, including raw incoming milk, cheese, ice cream, cultured products, and more. Coupled with a Smart 6 direct moisture/solids analysis system, accurate moisture/solids, and fat analysis is available in less than three minutes — enabling rapid adjustments during production and savings to your bottom line.   

704-821-7015; www.cem.com



Hydrite’s Hydri-Vision is patent-pending technology for collecting, analyzing, and documenting concentrations of cleaning, sanitation, and intervention chemistries. Food safety, verification, and validation, as well as quality of an applicable finished product, are foundational to this technology. The correct application of chemicals is critical to optimal performance, including delivery accuracy and process efficiency. Hydri-Vision can be used in clean-in-place or clean-out-of-place, water treatment, filtration, reuse, reclaim or batch, chillers, and soak or dip tank applications. Hydri-Vision is robust and flexible technology used for checking performance. It eliminates the need for manual titrations and record-keeping and enhances regulatory documentation compliance.

262-792-1450; www.hydrite.com



According to Leco, all laboratories need results in which they feel confident to be successful. Since 1936, millions of samples worldwide have been analyzed using Leco instruments for elemental analysis, thermal analysis, metallography, and mass spectrometry. The company’s comprehensive solutions for improving productivity include working with you to find the right equipment for the type of analysis you are doing — and providing you with the training, application support, and service you need to keep your lab running at its best.

269-985-5496; www.leco.com



At dairy processing plants, analyzing inbound raw materials for residues quickly and accurately is critical to keep operations running smoothly. Neogen says the Raptor integrated analysis platform is a lateral flow test strip reader with built-in incubation — providing an easy way to objectively analyze and store results. Meet evolving regulations and protect your milk supply with tests that are easy to use, accurate, and compliant with established maximum residue levels. With minimal training, you can run up to three samples independently and simultaneously for higher results throughput while seamlessly managing results.

800-234-5333; www.Neogen.com



Page & Pedersen says dairy companies can consistently meet goals for quality and profitability by monitoring real-time results for critical control points. The company’s new QuickCheck milk cryoscope Model QC-Select features three channels for testing raw milk, low-fat milk, and cream. It also confirms proper formulation for ice cream mixes or levels of hydrolysis for reduced-lactose products. The cryoscope offers timely, reliable information, which can optimize many management decisions. It also improves the depth of product formulation definitions in research and development. As recommended by the Association of Official Analytical Collaboration, freezing point remains an impressively accurate, reliable, and accessible test for payment and quality purposes.  508-435-5966; www.pagepedersen.com



Shimadzu Scientific Instruments’ SALD-2300 laser diffraction particle size analyzer offers a quick, effective method of monitoring the changes that occur in particle size during the homogenization process — helping to ensure the quality and consistency of the end product. The SALD-2300 can measure particles from 17 nanometers to 2,500 micrometers and in either automated or manual modes. Its industry-leading one-second measurement speed allows for real-time monitoring of phenomena such as particle swelling, coalescence, and aggregation. Numerous accessories enhance its versatility, including enabling determination of particles in either wet or dry states.

410-381-1227; www.ssi.shimadzu.com