3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. (3-A SSI), McLean, Va., announced the release of the 6th edition of the widely-used “3-A Accepted Practice for Installation and CIP (Clean-In-Place) of Processing Equipment and Hygienic Pipelines Sanitary, Number 605-05.” The new edition is compatible with FDA’s “Grade A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance and also contains requirements for non-PMO food processing applications.
The revised practice incorporates provisions of 3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements, ANSI/3-A 00-01-2018 as a normative reference. The revised edition is effective on July 5, 2021, 3-A SSI said.
This practice establishes criteria for the installation of hygienic pipelines, installation of processing equipment intended for CIP, CIP systems used for cleaning and sanitizing hygienic pipelines and processing equipment including process-incorporated (self-contained) CIP Systems and CIP procedures. The CIP system begins after the shutoff valves for water, cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, and utilities and ends at the drain connection where CIP effluent exits. Criteria for the CIP cleaning and sanitizing of individual items of equipment may be found in the 3 A Sanitary Standards covering the specific equipment. This practice does not apply to cleaning systems used on dairy farms that operate under vacuum nor to piping, ductwork and process equipment designed to be cleaned by dry cleaning methods, 3-A SSI said.
Facilities that use a CIP system conforming to this accepted practice may be eligible for a Process Certificate from 3-A SSI, the organization said. For more information about a Process Certificate, see the application requirements and instructions found in the TPV Manual at www.3-a.org.
A copy of 605-05 and a copy of other 3-A SSI documents are available at the 3-A SSI at www.3-a.org under “Standards & Accepted Practices Store.”