Torrance, Calif.-based Morinaga Nutritional Foods Inc. makes Alove, a Japanese-style yogurt made with fresh aloe vera pieces, milk, sugar and whey protein isolate.

The kosher-certified yogurt contains no artificial flavors, high-fructose corn syrup or aloin (a bitter, yellow-brown colored compound noted in several aloe species.) It’s also gluten-free. The company introduced the yogurt at the Natural Products Expo West show in March.

The yogurt is made via Morinaga’s proprietary process — fresh aloe is removed from the aloe plant leaves, leaving only the best parts and then mixed into yogurt.

It’s available in three flavors: original aloe, strawberry and blueberry. The suggested retail price is around $1.49 to $1.79 per cup. A 6-ounce serving contains 150 calories, 4 grams of fat, 18 grams of sugar and 6 grams of protein. The company is working to make the product available at grocery stores, natural and specialty retail channels, as well as ethnic markets on the West Coast.

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