Blueberry-Ice-Cream-Cake.jpgIn flavor combinations with spices, botanicals, floral, citrus and herbaceous, blueberries complement and enhance as well as balance flavors. Their elusive sweetness adds excitement to the smoky, caramelized or spice- and salt-accented dessert trends gaining such popularity today.

With blueberries, even the most indulgent “gourmet” frozen dessert can provide a full fruit serving; one-fourth cup of dried fruit equals a fruit serving. Blueberries can be combined with chocolate both to satisfy a sweet tooth and at the same time provide healthy goodness.

With the popularity of terms, such as “natural” and “organic,” it is evident that healthy is trendy. What we do know is that consumers equate blueberries with antioxidants and readily accept them as an ingredient in products. In fact, in consumer research, we have been told by consumers that they are willing to pay more for products that contain real blueberries over imitation blue bits.

The inclusion of natural blueberries means clean labels and the ability to tout the product’s nutritional benefits. Blueberries in the ingredient statement say “wholesome” and “natural” in a way that consumers understand. Blueberries and blueberry formats can mean reductions in sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or other sweeteners.

Highbush blueberries provide the best nature has to offer: healthy eating, good nutrients and delicious, sweet, real fruit benefits.

Research shows consumers willing to pay extra for blueberry-containing products, a value added plus both for product and consumer plump, juicy and delicious blueberries appeal to the fastidiously health conscious as well as to unapologetic pleasure-seekers.