Move over chocolate! Danisco introducesCrazy Scoops, a line of unique fruit-based flavors for use in formulating kid-focused milk beverages. These ingredient systems contain no caffeine, hydrocolloids or added fat. They are a clean, healthy way to formulate beverages for kids, getting children to consume the calcium they require without adding extra sugar to their diet. Crazy Scoops contain less calories and sugar than popular ready-to-drink flavored milks, and provide parents a choice in the type of milk they serve their children. Flavors include Banana, Grape, Berry-blend and Tropical.


Omega Protein is the world's largest manufacturer of fish oils containing healthy, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). "Consumers should look for both EPA and DHA content on food packages. DHA-only products are missing EPA, a fatty acid vital to good heart health," said Joe von Rosenberg, pres. and CEO. "Our facility in Virginia is the only fully integrated operation in the United States that produces long-chain omega-3s containing both EPA and DHA."

Omega Protein Corp.

After three years of dedicated work, the scientists from Chr. Hansen may be on the brink of a breakthrough. The company's researchers have discovered a lactic acid bacteria, which when consumed in a cultured dairy product such as a yogurt and potentially other food products, may reduce high blood pressure. The culture, named Cardi-04™, has been shown to reduce high blood pressure in animal studies. Chr. Hansen has filed a patent application for the culture, and expects it to be granted soon.

Chr. Hansen

Lipid Nutrition announces four structure/function claims for Clarinol™ CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): 1) reduces weight gain; 2) increases lean muscle mass; 3) reduces the amount of body fat; and 4) maintains body weight level. This announcement follows Clarinol CLA's introduction of Clarinol™ A95. Until recently, 80% was the highest form of active CLA isomers available with access to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation patent claims of reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass. Now, Clarinol A95 offers the highest form of active CLA isomers at 95%, according to the company.

Lipid Nutrition, div. of Loders Croklaan

Pecan Deluxe Candy Co.
Pecan Deluxe introduces Designer Choco Bons™, high-quality molded chocolates that contain an array of centers and flavor profiles such as caramel, orange, peanut butter, Kirsch cherry, mint and raspberry. They come in a variety of shapes including turtles, cups and hearts. Custom shapes are available as well. These Designer Choco Bons can be blended with several different frozen dessert bases to create signature flavors.

Pecan Deluxe Candy Co.

Dair-E Lite® 15% Juice with 33.3% less sugar still has that same great juice taste just with half the calories and half the carbohydrates of standard soft drinks. With 33.3% less sugar going into the finished drink, there is a cost savings to manufacturers, and at the same time consumers benefit from less carbs.

Rocket Products Inc.