The laws of chemistry and physics have not changed since the Big Bang. Not all these laws are known, and we continually learn more, leveraging novel approaches, processes, and/or formulations to create truly new products.
Within the dairy products arena, fruit, nuts and other inclusions are much like the prize in a Cracker Jack box. They add a little fun and excitement, transforming an ordinary offering to an extraordinary one.
The perception of any flavor (F) is a combination of appearance (A), aroma (A), acidity (A), taste (T), texture (T) and temperature (T), or "FAAATTT." Although these attributes hold for most foods and food ingredients, they do not capture the whole of the chemical and physical challenges in flavoring plant-based frozen desserts.
Surprise bites of chocolate chips, cookie dough, pie pieces and other miniature treats have long delighted ice cream and frozen dessert consumers. But today's health-conscious eaters are asking for more from their desserts, including the inclusions within them, than an indulgent, satisfying mouthful.