The International Dairy Foods Association’s (IDFA) 36th annual Capitol Hill Ice Cream Party took place on June 6, drawing huge crowds, thanks to generous member donations. Those working at the event served more than 1,500 gallons of ice cream and thousands of root beer floats in Union Square Park in Washington, D.C., IDFA said.

The party and crowds keep growing every year, IDFA noted. Attendees came prepared with boxes, recycling bins and mail carts that they filled with bowls of ice cream for colleagues and themselves.

IDFA said it received donations from 21 companies, including HP Hood, Perry’s Ice Cream Co., Prairie Farms Dairy, Turkey Hill Dairy, Hershey Creamery Co., Crystal Creamery, Wells Enterprises and others.

Washington, D.C.-based IDFA has hosted the party for 36 years, allowing members of Congress, their families and their staff to enjoy scoops of ice cream from IDFA member companies. The party is a valuable opportunity for the association to showcase dairy industry products to federal policymakers, IDFA said.

Prior to the party, members of IDFA’s International Ice Cream Association’s board of directors met with congressional leaders to advocate for the industry’s biggest policy priorities. The leaders stressed the need for Congress to pass an agricultural appropriations bill that includes funds for research on ways to reduce ice cream waste and resources to help ensure federal regulations keep up with industry innovation and food safety needs, IDFA said.

See #CHillparty on social media for more photos of the fun.