Manufacturing Day (MFG DAY) is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. MFG DAY occurs on the first Friday in October — this year it is on Oct 6, 2017.

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) said it is taking to social media Friday, Oct. 6, to celebrate dairy product manufacturing’s positive impact on the U.S. economy during MFG DAY and is inviting members to join the celebration. MFG DAY garners hundreds of thousands of participants every year and provides an opportunity for IDFA and member companies to underscore the vital role of dairy manufacturers in the United States economy.

IDFA, an official endorser of MFG DAY, said it will engage its social audience of nearly 8,000 users on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram with positive messages, facts and images illustrating the important work of dairy manufacturing companies. Members can search @dairyidfa on all three platforms for IDFA posts to share. The event’s hashtag is #MFGDAY17.

Members also can use IDFA’s economic impact tool to find data illustrating how they contribute to the economic vitality of their communities and then share it on their social media accounts. The tool generates sharable reports that measure the overall economic impact, direct jobs and wages of dairy product manufacturers.

Learn more about National Manufacturing Day at