According to the American Institute of Stress, Americans are one of the most stressed-out people in the world. The current stress level experienced by Americans is 20 percentage points higher than the global average.
There is an opportunity for dairy companies to continue sharing the progress we have made in the lactose-free dairy category and also to expand our story beyond milk.
Public health dialogue around food and nutrition is evolving from a focus on simply providing calories to ensuring children and families have access to high-quality, nutritious food that will allow them to reach their full potential.
As our State of the Industry report, appearing last issue proves, milk sales are mixed compared to prior years. Total dairy milk sales totaled nearly $15.6 billion for the year ending Aug. 13.
Take a quick look at the data, and you will observe that dairy product sales across the industry have seen good year-over-year (YoY) dollar growth at retail.
While having one of your cultured products being criticized as lacking cultured flavor is not desirable, those of us who produce cultured dairy products have an even greater fear.