Press release

UC Davis Extension is now accepting applications for the Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate Program. As the industry-recognized leader in the education of sensory science professionals, UC Davis Extension’s online program is the only program of its kind to provide sensory science professionals worldwide with course experience and a forum for exchanging ideas and connecting with peers.  

Now in its 16th successful year, the online Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate Program is approved by the Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis, and is continually updated to reflect current and cutting-edge methods in the area of sensory science and consumer testing. Taught by UC Davis Professor Jean-Xavier Guinard and Tragon Corporation Chief Sensory Officer Rebecca Bleibaum, the program’s comprehensive curriculum and real-world applications—a distinct component of the program—are instrumental in helping students achieve their goals and increase their impact in the field. 

“Our program fulfills a clear need for professional development in this area of study, and the sharing of experiences and knowledge it allows is invaluable,” says Howard Schutz, program founder and professor emeritus of UC Davis.

Launched in 2002, the 16-unit program is offered entirely online allowing students to engage and interact with faculty and peers from around the world. 

“The Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Program was a dream come true,” says Lauren Woods Salazar, wood cellar director and blender at New Belgium Brewing. “There are so many things you can’t get from reading a textbook, and the interaction with other students and the professors elevated all the things I thought I might know and brought to light the things I was missing.”

Applications are due September 15 for the fall 2017 program. 

For more information, please call (530) 757-8899, email or visit our website: