The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA) created free employee onboarding videos for dairy processors.

The series is produced by WCMA with industry support from partners the Dairy Business Innovation Alliance and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin; sponsors Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery, Emmi Roth, Great Lakes Cheese, and Wapsie Valley Creamery; and contributors Specialty Cheese Company and Westby Cooperative Creamery.

The series is currently available in English, with Hmong and Spanish versions set to be released in February. Ranging in runtime from approximately seven to nine minutes, each video focuses on a key concept new dairy processing employees will experience during their first days on the job.

First in the lineup is Episode 1: Welcome to the Dairy Industry. In this video, new employees will learn about the history, size and scope, diversity and inclusivity, and goals and mission of the dairy industry, and enjoy some day-one encouragement from their new industry peers.