3M, St. Paul, Minn., has a new rapid test for ultra-high temperature (UHT) and extended shelf life (ESL) nondairy beverages.

The company’s Microbial Luminescence System UHT Beverage Screen Kit expands the application of the MLS from UHT dairy products to a wide variety of UHT and ESL beverages such as fruit juices, caffeinated drinks, coconut waters, smoothies, dairy, dairy substitutes, and dairy/juice mixtures.

The system provides a rapid method for quality release testing, reducing the time-to-result by two to three days or more, compared to traditional methods like agar plates and pH measurement, according to the company.

Using bioluminescence technology, the MLS detects ATP (adenosine triphosphate), an energy molecule universally present in all living organisms, no matter how small. This technology allows the MLS to have faster time-to-result than traditional pH or agar tests, and more reliably detect a broad range of microorganisms than traditional methods.

Following a 2-3 day sample pre-incubation time, the 3M MLS technology provides a rapid result in less than 30 minutes, eliminating the need for further plating and incubating of agar dishes. This expedited time-to-result enables beverage producers to release product quicker, reduce inventory and storage space as well as increase their flexibility and lab productivity.

Visit www.3M.com/MLS to view videos, request a demo and learn more about ordering.