Today’s consumers are more aware than ever of the recognized bone health benefits of vitamin D. In addition, recent scientific studies have shown that vitamin D offers additional health benefits, including enhancing muscle strength and function, as well as the body’s immune system.
Quali-D Vitamin D from DSM Nutritional Products enables food, beverage, and dietary supplement manufacturers to take full advantage of these new and growing market opportunities.
Available in pure crystalline, oil and powder forms for multiple applications, Quali-D is allergen-, animal- and GMO-free, helping to meet health-conscious consumers’ demand for safe products in a variety of convenient product forms.
Unlike other forms of vitamin D, Quali-D is derived from lanolin taken from the wool of healthy live sheep from Australia and New Zealand. In dry Quali-D forms, DSM produces a finely dispersed crystal that enables optimal particle distribution. This manufacturing process, along with specifically designed antioxidant mixtures, results in excellent vitamin D distribution and enhanced stability in all end products.
In addition, as the global leader in nutritional ingredients, DSM has the comprehensive scientific and technical capabilities to further build the already substantial market for vitamin D for its customers, by supporting ongoing research into vitamin D’s many health benefits.
The world’s foremost ingredient supplier to food, beverage, and dietary supplement manufacturers, DSM Nutritional Products has an international network of technical service, production, and distribution facilities and a major sales and marketing presence in more than 100 countries. In addition to its wide range of ingredients, DSM provides unparalleled processing and manufacturing expertise in developing innovative formulations that provide optimum performance and health appeal.
DSM Nutritional Products Inc.