Nutrinova, Somerset, N.J., has compiled an overview of its high intensity sweetener, Sunett® (Acesulfame potassium), aimed at providing flavorists guidelines on how to incorporate its sweetener into various applications. A free copy of the booklet is available by emailing Denise Reed at Nutrinova (deniser@nutrinova-na.com).
St. Louis basedBarry-Wehmilleris among the latest companies to join the "lean movement." The supplier of packaging automation says implementation is in various stages of implementation across the organization.

Ocean Nutrition Canada Limited(ONC), supplier of MEG-3® brand Omega-3 EPA/DHA food and dietary supplement ingredients, has introduced of a new version of the MEG-3® food ingredient with a DHA:EPA ratio of 5:1, which will enable food products to contribute to improved nutrition for infants and mothers. MEG-3® food ingredients have a patented form of micro-encapsulation which is said to lock out the smell and taste of fish out of the food. This means that the new high DHA fish oil ingredient can be added to many foods both children or mothers would normally eat, ONC says.

SPI Polyols, New Castle, Del., will be honored for its ongoing support of the Delaware Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) at the Chapter's 5th annual Promise Ball on June 10. SPI Polyols is the top corporate partner of the gala. The company has supported the gala for the past two years, and also supported last year's annual JDRF Walk for a Cure.