At first glance, it seems that milk hasn't been dealt the best hand. But the beverage isn't considering folding: While purchasing numbers have declined in recent years, it's still present in 91% of American households, according to the September 2019 "Eating Trends: Meat, Dairy, Vegetarian, and Vegan" report from the Packaged Facts division of Rockville, Md.-based
It's been another year filled with bogeys for the milk segment. Dollar sales in the overall category fell 3.9% to $15.3 billion during the 52 weeks ending Aug. 12, 2018, data from Chicago-based market research firm IRI show. Unit sales dropped 1.4%.
It's no secret that per-capita liquid milk consumption has been on the decline in the United States for many years. In fact, Americans consumed 93 pounds less of the dairy beverage in 2016 than they did in 1976, according to data from the USDA.
In searching for signs of life in the fluid milk category, one can find a pulse. Sales of whole milk rose 4.1% from 2014 to 2015. Sales also increased for 1% milk (4.6%), whole flavored milk (6.4%), other flavored milk (1.3%) and buttermilk (5.2%). These segments represent opportunities for fluid milk processors.
The milk industry has positioned chocolate milk as an ideal beverage to drink after a workout. Sales of flavored milks, including chocolate, are on the rise.
If it weren’t for chocolate milk, there might be some people — perhaps dear reader, even you — who wouldn’t drink much milk at all. Indeed, chocolate milk is a perennially bright star in the dairy firmament, and with fall’s ushering in of the new school year, its glow is bound to grow brighter.
These four milk processors all have their own unique approach to processing, marketing and selling fluid milk.
June 27, 2016
These four milk processors each have their own unique approach to processing, marketing and selling fluid milk, but they also have common goal — touting the benefits of milk.
The Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to distribute milk to those impacted by water crisis.
January 26, 2016
The Michigan Milk Producers Association and The Kroger Co. of Michigan led a milk drive that delivered 12,000 gallons of milk to residents of Flint, Mich.
Milk processors are finding success with limited-time flavors like mint chocolate chip and birthday cake. A national campaign focusing on protein hopes to keep milk front-and-center on the breakfast table.