In With the New
IDFA and its constituent organizations elect officers and board members.
Washington, D.C.-based International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and its three constituent organizations — the Milk Industry Foundation (MIF), National Cheese Institute (NCI) and International Ice Cream Association (IICA) — have elected new officers and voted on new board members.
Leading each association for the next year will be
IDFA chair Mike Reidy, senior vice president of procurement, logistics and
business development, Leprino Foods Co.; IDFA vice chair and MIF chair
Brian Haugh, president and chief operating officer, National Dairy Holdings
LP.; IDFA secretary and IICA chair Jim Green, president and chief executive
officer, Kemps LLC; and IDFA treasurer and NCI chair Kevin Ponticelli,
executive vice president and president of cheese and dairy, Kraft Foods
North America Inc.
“With such a distinguished team of leaders in
place, the associations are gearing up for an exciting, productive year on
many fronts,” says Connie Tipton, IDFA president and chief executive
officer. “We appreciate the commitment that these volunteer officers
and directors are making to advance the entire dairy industry.”
The IDFA board of directors has agreed to change the
position of IDFA chairman by allowing the election of candidates who have
previously served as leaders of one of the constituent organizations.
Previously, the IDFA chairmanship rotated among the chairs of the three
organizations every year, requiring the IDFA chairman to hold two positions
concurrently. The recent board action retained the one-year term of service
for the IDFA chairman and the automatic rotation among the three
constituent organizations.
This year marks NCI’s turn in the rotation for
IDFA chairman, leading to the election of Reidy, who was NCI chairman last
year. The 2007-08 term will be filled by a past MIF leader, and the 2008-09
term will be held by a former IICA leader. The chairmen of MIF, NCI and
IICA will continue to be elected by their respective board members for
two-year terms.
For a complete list of elected officers and board
members, visit www.idfa.org.
Call for “excellence” entries
To recognize the very best in dairy marketing
programs, Washington, D.C.-based International Dairy Foods Association
(IDFA) and Dairy Field magazine are once again sponsoring the 2007 Achieving Excellence
Awards. Entry brochures and forms are being sent to industry marketers and
are available online at www.idfa.org. Processors can choose among 60
different award categories, from television ads to packaging designs. All
category winners are eligible to win the Best Overall Award for Marketing
Excellence, the top prize for marketing and advertising in the dairy
industry. Also included in the entry brochure is the announcement of a new
awards program for Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP) contributors
— The MilkPEP Awards. The awards will showcase those milk processors
who are using the MilkPEP programs to their fullest extent. A leading panel
of advertising, promotional and editorial experts from the dairy industry
will judge this year’s entries. Judging will be based on creativity,
clarity of message and business results. Winners will receive their awards
at a special recognition luncheon at the SmartMarketing conference on March
15 in Las Vegas.
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