Staying On Trend
In the year between July 27, 2005, and July 26, 2006, Productscan Online reported 643 new dairy food products and 1,893 total SKU counts. How do those products break down as to leveraging the trends discussed in this year’s ingredient report?
Probiotics: A search of
Productscan Online’s database of that time period revealed only five
dairy food products specifically touting their probiotic content. Those
five — all yogurt — came from just two manufacturers. Dannon
unveiled its widely promoted Activia product in a variety of flavors and
packaging formats, while the lesser-known Woodstock Water Buffalo Milk
Yogurt emerged in a handful of varieties.
Lowfat: This is
historically a popular segment, and a search of the past year’s
offerings did not disappoint. Productscan delivered 151 reports, most of
them ice cream and frozen dessert products, in keeping with the trend
driven by makers of products tagged as “slow churned,”
“smooth churned” and the like. Dreyer’s/Edy’s and
Breyers dominated the listings, with an assortment of smaller processors
keeping pace with the trend.
Whey: In an area that
arguably offers the greatest potential for the dairy industry to harness
the enormous nutritional qualities of milk, the field is currently lacking.
A Productscan search turned up only one new product in the dairy arena from
the past year that specifically references whey protein: Good Body Refresh
Frozen Nutrition Bars from Advanced Nutrition Concepts.
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