Functional Fortress
by Lori Dahm
Dairy component research continues to build a strong
The area of dairy
ingredient research continues to charter new territory as the latest
discoveries uncover new functionalities that dairy components yield, as
well as continued documentation of the positive impact that dairy products
can deliver in the area of weight management and nutrition.
Dairy Field spoke to two of the industry’s
leading researchers to tap into some of the latest research discoveries
with regard to dairy components, as well as perspectives on how dairy
manufacturers and dairy ingredient suppliers can focus product development
efforts to capitalize upon the emerging science.
The dialogue that follows is with Dr. Phil Tong,
professor at California Polytechnic State University and Director of the
Dairy Products Technology Center, San Luis Obispo, Calif.; and Dr. Eric
Bastian, director of research and development at Glanbia Foods Inc., Twin
Falls, Idaho. The Dairy Council of California helped to arrange this
Dairy Field: What is
the latest research that corroborates the benefits of whole dairy products
as functional foods in regard to weight management and nutrition?
Phil Tong: When we
talk about weight management, there is really a growing body of evidence
that has been generated over the last five years that supports the benefits
of dairy products’ role in weight management. The National Dairy
Council has provided an excellent review of this information
Initially, it was about calcium’s ability to burn fat and build lean
body mass. Now we have made the observation that when consumed in lowfat
dairy products like skim milk, we are seeing a greater effect, but we need
more scientific research to support the idea that a specific component of
milk is important for weight management.
In other health-related topics with regard to dairy
products, one important study comes to mind, called the DASH study (Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension). In this study they fed subjects various
products and isolated dairy components, calcium alone and calcium coming
from a whole dairy product. When consuming calcium in dairy products, the
reduction in blood pressure was greater than calcium alone. Because
hypertension is a key risk factor in cardiovascular heart disease, this
work, along with subsequent studies, support the positive benefits of dairy
foods in lowering blood pressure.
Eric Bastian: We’ve
done some work within Glanbia on a product called Prolibra for weight
management, and that particular product has functioned well in a couple of
clinical studies. With study subjects who did not reduce calories, and were
overweight and obese, we were able to find a shift in their body
composition. We used a technique called Dexascan to get at their muscle
mass and fat mass in their body, and over a course of 16 weeks we were able
to document about a 5 percent decrease in fat and a maintenance of lean
mass during that time. And again, they were not reducing calories so you
wouldn’t expect a weight loss in this kind of scenario.
Dr. [Michael] Zemel [of the University of Tennessee]
as well has a publication coming out — he mentioned it in one of his
review articles — that he had done a similar study with data that was
almost identical to ours, realizing a 5 percent decrease in body fat with a
non-calorie changing population. So that is something that I think is new
in that whole area.
DF: How should
manufacturers and dairy processors continue to focus their product
development efforts to create dairy foods that can be positioned as
functional and health enhancing?
Tong: That’s a
big challenge for the dairy processors. They may need to maintain greater
manufacturing flexibility, which is not the way we have traditionally run
dairy plants. We like to run dairy plants as large-volume, high-efficiency
operations, and when we achieve that sometimes we sacrifice greater
flexibility. Flexibility and maximizing plant efficiency in high throughput
operations don’t always go hand in hand. The challenge for dairy
processors in the future is to design efficient processes that are
competitive, and yet be able to maximize revenue out of that capital
investment and adopt new changing technologies to capitalize on new markets
that might fit the new nutrition trends.
For example, how can a milk powder plant have enough
flexibility to do shorter, smaller runs to make customized dairy
ingredients and still have economic efficiency and profitability to pay off
the investment in capital? The real challenge for our processor is to start
thinking a little differently about how they can get a return on their
investment, and get that return in a shorter period. Rather than saying
I’m going to build this humongous new plant and over 30 years
I’m going to make this amount of money, perhaps they might say, OK, I
am going to build this process line and run this process line in my plant
for a product life cycle that is much shorter, maybe a five-year product
life cycle. I have to get my return out of a shorter product life cycle and
then I am going to recapitalize so that I can move on to the next new
product which will hopefully have even great profitability. That will be an
interesting challenge for our dairy processors.
Also, I think manufacturers must keep up with the
science that is evolving and work with the people who are generating the
science — what might be called “technology-mining.” That
means going out there, seeing the science and meeting with the scientists
to figure out how to match that technology that is being generated to some
consumer need to get a practical return out of the science.
This can only happen when manufacturers regularly
participate in working with the science providers and the technology
providers, rather than calling them only when they need them, because then
they will miss opportunity. The opportunities are going to be shorter, and
the response time has to be faster. And that can only happen if you are
clued in early in the process, which is a little different than how some
have operated.
DF: As a dairy ingredient
manufacturer, how are you focusing product development efforts to create
dairy ingredients that are functional and health enhancing?
Bastian: Our efforts
started four years ago, when we pulled all of the science that we could
find on dairy and on dairy components that are linked to health. We put
together a matrix indicating which components affected which areas, and we
decided that there were four or five areas where we could have a strong
opportunity in the marketplace. One of those areas was in weight and weight
management, so we have put significant resources after that. Additionally,
we felt that bone health was certainly a platform for delivering beneficial
effects from dairy.
Another area we can play strongly in from the dairy
component point of view is the whole area of immunity. There is so much out
there on immunity it is amazing. If you look at proteins like lactoferrin,
we have loads of studies published in the last 10 years about lactoferrin
and immunity. A lot of people fortifying foods with lactoferrin are
fortifying at a very high level. I’m aware of a yogurt in Japan that
has 200 mg of lactoferrin in it. But if you dig into research, it shows
that lactoferrin for immune function has an optimal level right around 10
to 20 mg a day. So if lactoferrin costs 35 cents a gram, for just under a
penny you could have a dose of lactoferrin that would be effective.
Also with immunity, you have things like
Glyco-macropeptide. There is a particular group in Japan that has published
about six manuscripts showing how GMP can have an impact on immunity. We
also have a number of studies that show that CLA can also have an impact on
immunity. So again, there are a lot of different ways to go at this
immunity benefit. To isolate something like lactoferrin is one way, but
food and supplement manufacturers are concerned about price. If we can even
double or triple the amount, we don’t need to go to 99 percent purity
to get an enhancement and we would have a product that would be priced
quite favorably and deliver health benefits at the same time.
Now, while we are trying to push from a science base
on these components, we also want to have a market pull. It is a dual
concept: There is a pull from market and push from the science base to get
these things done and delivered. For example, there is a lot of science
demonstrating effectiveness of calcium in lowering blood pressure, but the
market has not yet developed in that area. I think it will, but there is
always a timing element to these things and I think with some of these
technologies we are ahead of the market.
It could be one of two things: It could be that
consumers aren’t aware of their blood pressure status in their
coronary heart disease risk. Or they are aware, but they don’t look
to foods and supplements to assist in that, they got to the doctor and
start taking a drug. So there may need to be a mind shift that needs to
occur before we can really open up those markets.
DF: What are some of the
latest and most important research discoveries with regard to dairy
components such as whey protein, alpha-actalbumin, GMP, etc.?
Tong: Certainly the
information on whey protein and the role of branch chain amino acids and
its value in terms of maintaining lean body mass and fostering muscle
development… in particular amino acids like Luecine and isoleucine,
branch chain amino acids, which are very desirable in terms of maintaining
lean body mass.
The dairy industry in particular wrestles with whey,
because there are a lot of health messages they would like to communicate
which are centered around whey protein, or fractions from whey, and
unfortunately most people don’t have much of a clue as to what whey
is. So we have a long road ahead of us in terms of trying to build some
In the probiotics area, we have developed our ability
to look at the different lactic acid bacteria and to gain a better
understanding of their role in health. We can trace their location during
digestion, whether there is a colonization, and whether they really do
modify the gut microflora. The other development is that they can now get
the right probiotic organisms because they can type them better.
Bastian: We know that branch chain amino acids help to maintain and build
muscle mass. Now if we think about this in a broader sense, we have huge
issues with sarcopenia, which is age-related loss of muscle loss. These
branch chain amino acids can have an impact in all these areas, sports
nutrition, weight management and sarcopenia. So to be able to maintain some
muscle mass as we get older will be very critical.
In the realm of stress and sleep, we are finding
alpha-lactlbumin promoted for its tryptophan content. Tryptophan is an
amino acid that can have an impact on some of the brain hormones and
chemicals that signal sleep and reduced stress. Also, there are peptides
that have an effect on stress from a totally different mechanism not
related tryptophan. One new product is an alpha S2 casein peptide, that is
one of the more minor casein fractions in milk, and it claims an
anti-stress effect.
Another product in Europe is night milk. Cows produce
different levels of the compound melatonin in the day versus at night, so
the morning milk is segregated from the evening milk to separate the higher
melatonin milk from the lower melatonin milk. These products help people
with sleep disorders because of the higher melatonin content.
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