There were over 2,000 new cultured products introduced worldwide in the past two years with a reduced-, low- or no-added-sugar claim, according to Innova Market Insights’ new product database.
Looking at the top 10 list of health positioning for new yogurt products worldwide over the last two years (based on a report from Innova Market Insights), it is a bit surprising that “no-/low-/reduced-fat” tops the list, with “high source of protein” coming in a close second.
Although many consumers would say that “flavor rules,” texture is close behind. When it comes to cultured dairy products, smooth and creamy is always the target, and textural attributes such as grainy, gel-like, shrunken, weak or ropy are typically considered defects.
Bacteria have never had a greater role in cultured dairy products than today. It used to be that companies purchased cultures only for the types of flavors and rate of acid production needed, but now they can add texture development and health benefits to the list.
One of my favorite sweet flavors is passion fruit. I discovered it on a trip to Australia in 2016 - the most popular yogurt flavor in that country is passion fruit.
Though many people would say there is a lot of creativity and art involved in the development of cultured products, we all know there is a lot of technology built into the products we have today.
One of the ways to add differentiation and consumer appeal to a fermented dairy drink is to increase the protein content. But adding protein to any cultured product typically results in an increase in viscosity.
The concern about shelf life is a reality for every food product. Most companies would like to add some time to the current shelf life while maintaining channel flexibility and acceptable sensory properties.