Eyes On ’07
James Dudlicek
(847) 405-4009
What can we expect for the dairy industry in 2007? Well, you won’t be seeing any milk from cloned cows hitting store shelves. Despite a rising thumb from the FDA, the industry is keeping its distance from what could result in a marketing disaster should it attempt to ignore the market research showing a majority of consumers suspicious of this technology.
So we know what we won’t have in store — what will we have?
Beyond the predictions of the next big flavor or format, most of the trend oracles are — not surprisingly — foretelling a future focusing on health and wellness, a continuation of society’s quaking in the presence of bogeymen like obesity, diabetes and trans fats.
It’s been no secret on these pages or anywhere else that dairy is perfectly positioned for wellness, despite such short-sighted moves by some school districts to ban flavored milk and the absolute idiocy of the British branding cheese as junk food.
It’s not all about calories, fat and sugar. It’s about a total package of nutrition, which dairy possesses and other certain snacks and beverages long allowed in schools sorely lack.
Of course, that’s what life is all about: a total package containing a little bit of everything, nothing to excess and nothing ostracized.
To make sure Dairy Field is staying “on trend,” we have recruited an editorial advisory board:
Stan Bennett, Oakhurst Dairy
Peter Horvath, Quality Chekd Dairies
Paul Kruse, Blue Bell Creameries
Martin Margherio, Farmland Dairies
Ed Mullins, Prairie Farms Dairy
Brian Perry, Perry’s Ice Cream
Jeff Sterne, All Star Dairy Association
These top industry leaders will be watching us a little more closely and providing their input to make sure we’re delivering the kind of information readers want.
Not that we’re worried, but an extra set of eyes can’t hurt.
Everyone at Dairy Field and Stagnito Communications was shocked by the sudden death last month of our technical editor, Lori Dahm. We have lost a talented journalist, and the industry has lost a unique voice. Read more about Lori, and her last article. 
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