Superior Worker Safety
IDFA sees boost in entries for annual plant operations awards.
At its Plant Operations
Conference in St. Louis in late April, the International Dairy Foods
Association (IDFA) honored a select group of dairy companies with IDFA
Dairy Industry Safety Recognition Awards and Achievement Certificates. This
is the third year IDFA has sponsored this program, which highlights the
outstanding worker-safety records of U.S. dairy companies.
The operations for each nominated company were judged
solely on specific data required annually by the U.S. Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) on the facility’s “Summary of
Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” report (OSHA Form 300A). This
year’s award decisions were based on data from OSHA reports for the
2005 calendar year.
The award program includes categories for both
processing facilities and trucking operations in the dairy industry. In
addition to the 40 category award winners, IDFA awarded Achievement
Certificates to 26 processing and trucking operations for having no injury
cases that resulted in lost time away from work.
“We’ve had an extremely positive response
to this program from dairy companies and noticed a significant uptick in
participation this year. This increased interest truly demonstrates the
industry’s commitment to worker safety,” said Clay Detlefsen,
IDFA vice president of regulatory affairs. “We congratulate all of
the participants on their accomplishments.”
Processing facilities were judged in four product
categories: natural and processed cheese; dry, condensed and evaporated
products; ice cream and frozen desserts; and fluid milk. Within each
product category, IDFA accepted nominations for small, medium and large
facilities that achieved the best overall safety performance rates based on
the OSHA data. Trucking companies were scored on their OSHA summaries
according to the type of location: short haul, long haul or mixed; awards
were categorized for small and large facilities.
IDFA will issue a call for nominations for the next
Dairy Industry Safety Awards competition in early 2007.
Processing Winners
Crowley Foods, Bristol, Va.
Dillon Dairy, Denver
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Fort Wayne (Ind.)
Operations Center
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Salt Lake
Operations Center
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Southwest Operations
Foremost Farms USA, Preston, Minn.
Kroger Layton Dairy, Layton, Utah
Leprino Foods Co., Fort Morgan, Colo.
Leprino Foods Co., Waverly, N.Y.
Safeway Inc., Tempe, Ariz.
Super Store Industries, Fairfield, Calif.
Processing Certificates of Achievement
Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc., St. Albans,
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, Laurel (Md.) Operations
Foremost Farms USA, Appleton, Wis.
Foremost Farms USA, Clayton, Wis.
Foremost Farms USA, Rothschild, Wis.
Foremost Farms USA, Waukon, Iowa
Fullerton Cultured Specialties, Fullerton, Calif.
HP Hood LLC, Agawam, Mass.
HP Hood LLC, Portland, Maine
Kroger Riverside Dairy, Riverside, Calif.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Greeley, Colo.
Unilever North American Ice Cream, Henderson, Nev.
Unilever North American Ice Cream, Huntington, Ind.
Unilever North American Ice Cream, Sikeston, Mo.
Trucking Winners
Alta Dena Dairy, Highland, Calif.
Crowley Foods, Binghamton, N.Y.
Crowley Foods, Paterson, N.J.
Crowley Foods, Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, Pittsburgh Profit Center
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, Richmond Profit Center
Heluva Good, Bath, Pa.
Heluva Good, Sodus, N.Y,
Heluva Good, Youngstown, Ohio
HP Hood LLC, Vernon, N.Y.
Kemps LLC, Brainerd, Minn.
Kemps LLC, Duluth, Minn.
Kemps LLC, Eau Claire, Wis.
Kemps LLC, Mason City, Iowa
Kemps LLC, Merrill, Wis.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Meadow Gold Dairy, La Grande, Ore.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Livingston, Mont.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Riverton, Wyo.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Sheridan, Wyo.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Twin Falls, Idaho
Meadow Gold Dairy, Worland, Wyo.
Price’s Creameries, Alamogordo, N.M.
Price’s Creameries, Las Cruces, N.M.
Price’s Creameries, Roswell, N.M.
Rosenberger’s Dairies, Levittown, Pa.
SouthWest Dairy Drivers, Tyler, Texas
Super Store Industries, Fairfield, Calif.
Tillamook County Creamery Association, Tillamook, Ore.
Trucking Certificates of Achievement
Berkeley Farms, Sacramento, Calif.
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, City of Industry
Profit Center
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Fridley, Minn.
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Oakland Profit Center
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Nevada Profit Center
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, Michigan Profit Center
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, Philadelphia Profit
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream, St. Louis Profit Center
HP Hood LLC, Taunton, Mass.
Kemps LLC, Rochester, Minn.
Meadow Gold Dairy, Jackson, Wyo.
Penn Maid Dairy, Philadelphia
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