Alcan Packaging Food Americas, Chicago-Two key management appointments have been made. Gene Welsh named v.p. and gen. mgr. of Meat & Dairy Flexibles North America, Rigid Containers & Celply. Richard Company has been promoted to v.p. and gen. mgr. of Alcan Food Packaging South America. Welsh joined Alcan Packaging in 2002. Most recently, he held the position of v.p. of sales for the company. Company’s new role is also a new position at Alcan Packaging, which strengthens its focus on the South American market. Richard Company started at Alcan Packaging in 2001 as head of strategy and development.



Sidebar: Ireland's Paul Ross Receives Haines Award
DAVIS, Calif.-The California Dairy Research Foundation (CDRF) has presented Paul Ross, the head of Ireland’s Teagasc Moorepark Biotechnology Centre, with the William C. Haines Dairy Science Award.The award presentation took place in February at the 9th Cal Poly Dairy Ingredients Symposium in San Francisco, where Ross gave a presentation on mining biodiversity for fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.
“Paul is an outstanding selection to win this award,” said Joseph O’Donnell, exec. dir. of the CDRF. “He has played a leading role in creating a multinational focus on developing and delivering dairy products to a world in need of improved nutrition.”
Established in 2004, the William C. Haines Dairy Science Award was created to recognize individuals in research and development in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, technology, nutrition, and/or engineering, have made a significant contribution to dairy science and the betterment of the dairy industry. The award is named for William C. Haines, former v.p. of innovation for Dairy Management Inc.