Various cereal marketers have managed to enhance grains with healthful ingredients. Leading this movement is Kashi Co., La Jolla, Calif., with Heart to Heart™, a toasted oat cereal containing soluble fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and botanicals.

Also from Kashi is Good Friends™. A single serving of Original provides 8g of fiber, while a serving of new Cinna-Raisin Crunch provides 10g.

Woman's Bread™ with Soy Isoflavones is intended for women's changing needs throughout menopause and the postmenopausal years, with two slices providing the suggested amounts of natural soy isoflavones. The Men's BreadTM is said to support long-lasting energy and physical endurance. It includes ginseng for rejuvenation, energy and building immunity. Some added saw palmetto is said to support a healthy prostate.

For as many folks as there are who doubt the benefits claimed by marketers of such punched-up foods and beverages, there are just as many, if not more, that do believe foods and specialty ingredients possess the power to defy aging. Dairy foods formulators start with one of the most nutritious basesmilkto formulate foods and beverages that are attractive to baby boomers, which puts dairy products at an advantage to other baby boomer foods. Go for it!