Worthy Pursuits

Organics, cloning and immigration among top issues tackled at Dairy Forum ’07.
Green” payments for environmentally friendly practices. Government policies that don’t distort market conditions. Innovation to ensure dairy’s position as a top choice of customers and consumers. And cooperation among processors and producers to ensure long-term success of the industry.
All of the above were deemed worthy pursuits by Connie Tipton, president and chief executive officer of the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), in her keynote address opening Dairy Forum ’07, held January 15 to 17 in Orlando, Fla. “We have the leaders, the entrepreneurs and the hard-working spirit in this room collectively to make a difference,” Tipton said.
Other highlights of this year’s Forum included the popular CEO panel; sessions on dairy policy, organics, nutrition and renewable resources; and a keynote address by Bruce Knight, USDA undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs.
At the January 15 awards luncheon, Miriam Erickson Brown, president and CEO of Des Moines, Iowa-based Anderson Erickson Dairy Co., received the IDFA’s 2007 Soaring Eagle Award. John Jeter, president and CEO of California’s Hilmar Cheese Co., received the National Cheese Institute’s Laureate Award, in recognition of his significant contributions to development and growth of the U.S. cheese industry.
Dairy Field presented its 2006 Processor of the Year Award to Stonyfield Farm, which earned the honor for helping to drive demand for organic dairy foods, developing new products and expanding dairy entrepreneurship to overseas markets. Read the full story by choosing the November 2006 issue from the drop-down menu beneath the current issue at www.dairyfield.com.
Dairy Field also provided daily online coverage of Forum sessions. Full write-ups can be found at www.dairyfield.com/dforum-contents.php.
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