Health Watch
by Peter Huth and Gregory Miller
Dairy products have long been recognized as nutrient-dense foods that contain essential nutrients for growth and development.
Many of the health benefits associated with dairy
consumption may be attributed to dairy’s “nutrient
package” — including calcium, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorous, protein, vitamins A and D, riboflavin, B12 and niacin. In
fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 (DGA) now recommend that
virtually all Americans should consume three servings of dairy foods each
day to help meet their nutrient needs — especially those nutrients
whose intakes are low enough to be of concern.
For adults, “nutrients of concern” were
identified as vitamins A, C and E, and calcium, magnesium, potassium and
fiber. Dairy is a primary food source for four of these — calcium,
magnesium, potassium and vitamin A. DGA also recognizes that increasing the
intakes of certain foods — especially lowfat and fat-free dairy
products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains — is likely to have
long-term health benefits. To this end, the new guidelines have endorsed
the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, report saying:
“Consuming three servings of milk and milk
products each day can reduce the risk of low bone mass and contribute
important amounts of many nutrients. Furthermore, this amount of milk
product consumption may have additional benefits and is not associated with
increased body weight. Therefore, the intake of three cups of milk products
per day is recommended.
This recommendation is based on scientific evidence
that shows the high value of dairy as a nutrient dense food and health
benefits related to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
•Dairy and bone health — The
intake of dairy foods is especially important to bone health during
childhood and adolescents for the development of peak bone mass. There is
strong, consistent evidence that the daily intake of three servings of
dairy products can help reduce the risk of low bone mass and protect
against osteoporosis.
•Dairy and cardiovascular health — The DASH
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet
— which includes three servings a day of lowfat dairy products
— has been shown to significantly lower blood pressure and to have
other health benefits. Additionally, emerging research suggests that three
or more servings of milk products per day may help reduce the risk of the
metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
•Dairy and weight control — The
DGA stresses that there is no reason to avoid dairy foods because of weight
gain concerns. There is no evidence that three daily servings of dairy
foods increase body weight. In fact, a growing body of science indicates
that three servings of dairy foods per day, as part of a calorie-restricted
diet, reduces body weight and body fat better than just limiting calories
All in all, a strong body of science shows that dairy
foods provide good nutrition for all Americans and may reduce the risk of
certain chronic diseases. Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), in conjunction with
dairy industry partners, has launched the 3-A-Day of Dairy
nutrition-based marketing and education campaign that promotes the health
benefits of dairy directly to consumers. The clear and actionable 3-A-Day
of Dairy nutrition messages and claims are consistent with the new DGA to
consume three servings of dairy foods each day.
To learn more visit www.3aday.org.
Peter Huth, Ph.D., director, regulatory and research
transfer, and Gregory Miller, Ph.D., senior vice president, nutrition and
product innovation, are with the National Dairy Council, the nutrition
research and education arm of DMI.
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