Supplier’s News
With 176,000 visitors from 106 countries and 2,668 exhibitors from 57 nations, Interpack 2005 exceeded all expectations, according to exhibitors, visitors, trade associations and Messe Düsseldorf. Visitor numbers reportedly rose well above the high level of attendance at Interpack 2002.
Milford, Ohio-based Total
Quality Logistics Inc. has completed a 25,000-square-foot expansion of
its main office. The new addition yields a total office size of 40,000
square feet in an investment by the company of more than $3 million.
Kingsport, Tenn.-based Centrus
International Inc., has announced the results of a new study comparing the
accuracy of the Soleris rapid microbiological testing system with
conventional plating methods. The study shows that Soleris technology
matches the accuracy of conventional methods while providing the added
benefits of increased speed and ease of use. Centrus is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Eastman Chemical Co.
The Dairy Business
Innovation Center (DBIC) has provided technical and marketing
assistance to 87 dairy businesses in starting or expanding a dairy plant,
launching a new product or entering a new market. The DBIC provides a full
array of technical assistance to new and emerging dairy businesses
including farmstead and artisan dairies as well as small, medium and large
dairy processors.
The Network of Executive
Women, Consumer Products and Retail Industry, Chicago, has awarded six
scholarships to women majoring in retailing and consumer packaged goods
related marketing programs. This year’s award recipients are Sadia
Asghar from the University of Maryland, Michelle Bond of Portland State
University, Amanda Lerette of Western Michigan University, Rebecca Meyers
of St. Joseph’s University, Olga Rusmanova of Portland State
University and Lorrie Stys of Arizona State University East. The NEW
scholarship is underwritten by Ahold USA, the Friends of the Industry
consortium and PepsiCo. The program is open to juniors, seniors and
graduate students who are majoring in retail or consumer packaged
goods-related marketing programs at accredited universities in the United
Packaging executives
from many of the nation’s leading food companies recently convened at
Multivac Inc.’s North American headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., to
take part in the Multivac Better Packaging Technologies Forum. Attendees
participated in interactive demonstrations of the latest advancements in
automated packaging and had the opportunity to discuss specific
applications with Multivac engineers.
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