From Sideline to Center Stage
Accetta Smith
(847) 205-5660 ext. 4069
Getting consumers to get
excited about a glass of milk or chunk of cheese has been a real challenge
for processors over the years. Driving dairy away from the commodity
mindset hasn’t been easy.
Grand advertising schemes have been reserved for
marketing geniuses such as Coke or Pepsi. Although it has been an uphill
battle, never has dairy marketing been more exciting. Ever since the famed
“got milk?” campaign put dairy on the proverbial map of
American consumerism, processors are coming up with keen and spirited ways
to get their products on top of mind and stomach of today’s shopper.
It’s no secret marketing plays a key role in
building product or brand awareness, boosting sales and, ultimately,
improving profitability. Therefore, campaigns must be integrated programs,
encompassing new product development, product packaging, market research
and advertising through a variety of media, public relations and grassroots
Whether driven by their own desire to capture market
share or inspired by successful general marketing efforts from
industry-funded organizations, processors increasingly invest in marketing
to stay competitive, both within and beyond the dairy category.
Many hard-hitting marketing strategies for dairy
products can be traced to general industry-funded programs during the
’90s. The ads and marketing strategies from such organizations as the
National Dairy Council, Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) and MilkPEP, can be
credited for increasing milk consumption and awareness.
Beyond these programs, processors are looking at
innovative ways to drive their products into the marketplace. From
co-branding to joining forces with Disney cartoon characters, there’s
no limit to what companies can do to get a premier seat in the dairy case.
For example, Saputo Cheese USA Inc. is bringing the success of
Disney/Pixar’s “The Incredibles” to the dairy aisle this
spring with a $5 rebate offer on a DVD of the popular movie. What happens
when the wholesome snacking choice of today’s on-the-go families
— Frigo® Cheese Heads® — joins forces with the No.
1 blockbuster family film of the year? According to Saputo, consumers will
flock to the dairy case.
A national FSI on March 13 will announce the DVD
rebate and delivers a high-value Cheese Heads coupon to over 37 million
households. According to Saputo, this promotion can’t help but create
an incredible impression. Actually, more than 190 million impressions will
be created with the full-page FSI in March, plus online advertising on, full-page ads in Nickelodeon, Disney Adventures and other
favorite kids’ magazines, a month-long radio campaign on Radio Disney
and an eye-catching presence in the dairy case with exciting packaging and
clip-strip displays.
In other dairy media news, Jarlsberg is also getting
airtime on national television. For only the second time in its 40-year
U.S. history, classic Jarlsberg cheese has embarked on a major television
campaign. Imported and distributed exclusively by Norseland Inc. of
Stamford, Conn., this best-seller has been promoted through a series of
30-second commercials on the Food Network — more than 450 between
January and May 2005. The intense 15-week schedule represents
Jarlsberg’s most significant New York media buy. The company says
Food Network was chosen because its colorful roster of celebrity chef
programming provides an ideal environment, targeting primarily up-market
viewers (age 25 to 54) who typically purchase the most imported cheese.
It is hard not to see how far we’ve come. I mean,
even cheese can make it in show biz.
Dairy has definitely taken center stage, traveling far
from its sideline reputation of days past.
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