International Assn. For Food Protection
6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W
Des Moines, Iowa 50322-2864
(515) 276-3344
Fax: (515) 276-8655
Web site: www.foodprotection.org
E-mail: info@foodprotection.org
Top officer: David Tharp
Food Processing Suppliers Association
1451 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, Va. 22101
(703) 761-2600
Fax: (703) 761-4334
Web site: www.fpsa.org
E-mail: info@fpsa.org
Top officer: Steve Schlegel
(2006 merger of IAFIS and FPMA)
International Assn. of Ice Cream Vendors
100 North 20th St., 4th Floor
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103-1443
(215) 564-3484
Fax: (215) 564-2175
Web site: www.iaicv.org
E-mail: iaicv@fernley.com
International Assn. of Refrigerated Warehouses/World Food Logistics Organization
1500 King St., Suite 201
Alexandria, Va. 22314
(703) 373-4300
Fax: (703) 373-4301
Web site: www.iarw.org
E-mail: email@iarw.org
Top officer: J. William Hudson
International Bottled Water Assn.
1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650
Alexandria, Va. 22314
(703) 683-5213
Information hot line: (800) WATER-11
Fax: (703) 683-4074
Web site: www.bottledwater.org
E-mail: ibwainfo@bottledwater.org
Top officer: Joseph Doss
International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Assn.
636 Science Drive, P.O. Box 5528
Madison, Wis. 53705-0528
(608) 310-5000
Fax: (608) 238-6330
Web site: www.iddba.org
E-mail: iddba@iddba.org
Top officer: Carol Christison
International Dairy Federation
Diamant Building
Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium
011 (322) 733-9888
Fax: 011 (322) 733-0413
Web site: www.fil-idf.org
E-mail: info@fil-idf.org
International Dairy Foods Assn.
1250 H St. N.W., Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 737-4332
Fax: (202) 331-7820
Web site: www.idfa.org
E-mail: membership@idfa.org
Top officer: Connie Tipton
International Foodservice Distributors Association
201 Park Washington Court
Falls Church, Va. 22046
(703) 532-9400
Fax: (703) 538-4673
Web site: www.ifdaonline.org
Top officer: Mark Allen
International Foodservice Manufacturers Assn.
Two Prudential Plaza
180 N. Stetson Ave., Suite 4400
Chicago, Ill. 60601
(312) 540-4400
Fax: (312) 540-4401
Web site: www.ifmaworld.com
Top officer: Michael Licata
International Ice Cream Assn.
(See International Dairy Foods Assn.)
International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration
1110 N. Glebe Road, Suite 250
Arlington, Va. 22201
(703) 312-4200
Fax: (703) 312-0065
Web site: www.iiar.org
Top officer: Kent Anderson
International Warehouse Logistics Assn.
2800 River Road, Suite 260
Des Plaines, Ill. 60018
(847) 813-4699
Fax: (847) 813-0115
Web site: www.iwla.com
E-mail: email@iwla.com
Top officer: Joel Anderson
Irish Dairy Board
825 Green Bay Road, Suite 200
Wilmette, Ill. 60091
(847) 256-8289
Fax: (847) 256-8299
Web site: www.idbusa.com
Allied Purchasing
P.O. Box 1249
Mason City, Iowa 50402
(800) 247-5956
Fax: (800) 635-3775
Web site: www.alliedpurchasing.com
Top officer: Carol Peterson
All Star Dairy Assn.
P.O. Box 911050
Lexington, Ky. 40591-1050
(800) 930-3644
Fax: (859) 255-3647
Web site: www.allstardairy.com
Top officer: Jeff Sterne
American Butter Institute
2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington, Va. 22201
(703) 243-6111
Fax: (703) 841-9328
Web site: www.butterinstitute.org
E-mail: aminer@nmpf.org
Top officer: Jerry Kozak
American Dairy Assn.
(See Dairy Management Inc.)
American Dairy Goat Association
209 W. Main St.
P.O. Box 865
Spindale, N.C. 28160
(828) 286-3801
Fax: (828) 287-0476
Web site: www.adga.org
E-mail: info@adga.org
Top officer: Shirley McKenzie
American Dairy Products Institute
116 N. York St.
Elmhurst, Ill 60126
(630) 530-8700
Fax: (630) 530-8707
Web site: www.adpi.org
E-mail: info@adpi.org
Top officer: Jim Page
American Dairy Science Assn.
1111 N. Dunlap Ave.
Savoy, Ill. 61874
(217) 356-5146
Fax: (217) 398-4119
Web site: www.adsa.org
E-mail: adsa@assochq.org
Top officer: Peter Studney
American Frozen Food Institute
2000 Corporate Ridge, Suite 1000
McLean, Va. 22102
(703) 821-0770
Fax: (703) 821-1350
Web site: www.affi.com
E-mail: info@affi.com
Top officer: Leslie Sarasin
American Plastics Council
1300 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, Va. 22209
(703) 741-5000
Fax: (703) 741-6000
Web site: www.plastics.org
Top officer: Jack Gerard
American Sanitation Institute
7625 Page Blvd.
St. Louis, Mo. 63133
(800) 477-0778
Web site: www.asifood.com
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
2950 Niles Road
St. Joseph, Mich. 49085
(269) 429-0300
Fax: (269) 429-3852
Web site: www.asabe.org
E-mail: hq@asabe.org
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle N.E.
Atlanta, Ga. 30329
(404) 636-8400
Fax: (404) 321-5478
Web site: www.ashrae.org
Aseptic Packaging Council
2120 L St. N.W., Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20007
(202) 478-6158
Fax: (202) 223-9579
Web site: www.aseptic.org
(The) Assn. of Sales & Marketing Cos.
(See Grocery Manufacturers of America)
Calorie Control Council
5775 Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, Suite 500G
Atlanta, Ga. 30342
(404) 252-3663
Fax: (404) 252-0774
Web site: www.caloriecontrol.org
E-mail: ccc@kellencompany.com
Top officer: Lynn O’Brien Nabors
Cheese Importers Assn. of America
460 Park Ave., 11th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10022
(212) 753-7500
Fax: (212) 688-2870
Chocolate Manufacturers Assn.
(See National Confectioners Association)
Dairy Management Inc.
10255 W. Higgins Road, Suite 900
Rosemont, Ill. 60018-5616
(847) 803-2000
Fax: (847) 803-2077
Web site: www.dairyinfo.com
Dairy Remembrance Fund
(See Food Processing Suppliers Association)
Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Assn.
1620 I St. N.W., Suite 925
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 293-5800
Fax: (202) 463-8998
Web site: www.femaflavor.org
Flexible Packaging Assn.
971 Corporate Blvd., Suite 403
Linthicum, Md. 21090
(410) 694-0800
Fax: (410) 694-0900
Web site: www.flexpack.org
E-mail: fpa@flexpack.org
Top officer: Marla Donahue
(The) Food & Drug Law Institute
1000 Vermont Ave. N.W., Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20005-4913
(202) 371-1420
Fax: (202) 371-0649
Web site: www.fdli.org
E-mail: comments@fdli.org
Top officer: Jerome Halperin
Food Industry Suppliers Assn.
1207 Sunset Drive
Greensboro, N.C. 27408
(336) 274-6311
Fax: (336) 691-1839
Web site: www.fisanet.org
E-mail: stella@fisanet.org
Top officer: Stella Jones
Food Marketing Institute
655 15th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 452-8444
Fax: (202) 429-4519
Web site: www.fmi.org
E-mail: fmi@fmi.org
(The) Food Products Assn.
1350 I St. N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 639-5900
Fax: (202) 639-5932
Web site: www.nfpa-food.org
E-mail: nfpa@nfpa-food.org
Top officer: Cal Dooley
Foodservice & Packaging Institute Inc.
150 S. Washington Street, Suite 204
Falls Church, Va. 22046
(703) 538-2800
Fax: (703) 538-2187
Web site: www.fpi.org
E-mail: fpi@fpi.org
Foreign-Type Cheesemakers Assn.
1211 17th Ave.
Monroe, Wis. 53566
(608) 325-2507
Fax: (608) 325-2530
Web site: www.ftcma.com
E-mail: ftcheese@tds.net
Glass Packaging Institute
515 King Street, Suite 420
Alexandria, Va., 22314
(703) 684-6359
Fax: (703) 684-6048
Web site: www.gpi.org
E-mail: info@gpi.org
Top officer: Joseph Cattaneo
Grocery Manufacturers of America
2401 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20037
(202) 337-9400
Fax: (202) 337-4508
Web site: www.gmabrands.com
E-mail: info@gmabrands.com
Institute of Food Technologists
525 W. Van Buren, Suite 1000
Chicago, Ill. 60607
(312) 782-8424
Fax: (312) 782-8348
Web site: www.ift.org
E-mail: info@ift.org
Top officer: Barbara Byrd Keenan
Institute of Packaging Professionals
1601 Bond Street, Suite 101
Naperville, Ill. 60563
(630) 544-5050
Fax: (630) 544-5055
Web site: www.iopp.org
E-mail: info@ iopp.org
Top officer: Edwin Landon
(The) Juice Products Assn.
1156 15th St. N.W., Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 785-3232
Fax: (202) 223-9741
Web site: www.juiceproducts.org
E-mail: jpa@kellencompany.com
Top Officer: Richard Cristol
Milk Industry Foundation
(See International Dairy Foods Assn.)
National Assn. for the Specialty Food Trade Inc.
120 Wall St., 27th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10005
(212) 482-6440
Fax: (212) 482-6459
Web site: www.specialtyfood.com
National Assn. of Flavors & Food-Ingredient Systems
3301 Route 66
Suite 205, Building C
Neptune, N.J. 07753
(732) 922-3218
Fax: (732) 922-3590
Web site: www.naffs.org
E-mail: info@naffs.org
Top officer: Bob Bauer
National Cheese Institute
(See International Dairy Foods Assn.)
National Confectioners Association
8320 Old Courthouse Road, Suite 300
Vienna, Va. 22182
(703) 790-5011
Fax: (703) 790-5752
Web site: www.candyusa.org
E-mail: info@candyusa.org
Top officer: Lawrence Graham
National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments
123 Buena Vista Drive
Frankfort, Ky. 40601
(502) 695-0253
Fax: (502) 695-0253
Web site: www.ncims.org
E-mail: ltownsend@ncims.org
Top officer: Marlena Bordson, Illinois Department of
Public Health
National Dairy Council
(See Dairy Management Inc.)
National Dairy Promotion & Research Board
(See Dairy Management Inc.)
National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board
(See International Dairy Foods Assn.)
National Food Processors Assn.
(See [The] Food Products Assn.)
National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Assn.
4755 Linglestown Road, Suite 300
P.O. Box 6069
Harrisburg, Pa. 17112
(717) 657-8601
Fax: (717) 657-9862
Web site: www.nfraweb.org
E-mail: info@nfraweb.org
Top officer: Nevin Montgomery
National Frozen Pizza Institute
(See American Frozen Food Institute)
National Grocers Assn.
1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 250
Arlington, Va. 22201-5758
(703) 516-0700
Fax: (703) 516-0115
Web site: www.nationalgrocers.org
E-mail: info@nationalgrocers.org
National Honey Board
11409 Business Park Circle, Suite 210
Firestone, Colo. 80504
(303) 776-2337
Fax: (303) 776-1177
Web site: www.honey.com
National Ice Cream Mix Assn.
2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington, Va. 22201
(703) 243-5630
Fax: (703) 841-9328
National Ice Cream & Yogurt Retailers Assn.
1028 W. Devon Ave.
Elk Grove Village, Ill. 60007
(847) 301-7500
Fax: (847) 301-8402
Web site: www.nicyra.org
E-mail: info@nicyra.org
Top officer: Lynda Utterback
National Milk Producers Federation
2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington, Va. 22201
(703) 243-6111
Fax: (703) 841-9328
Web site: www.nmpf.org
E-mail: info@nmpf.org
Top officer: Jerry Kozak
National Restaurant Assn.
1200 17th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 331-5900 or (800) 424-5156
Fax: (202) 331-2429
Web site: www.restaurant.org
Top officer: Steven Anderson
National Yogurt Assn.
Web site: www.aboutyogurt.com
(See American Frozen Food Institute)
North American Assn. of Foodservice Equipment
161 N. Clark St., Suite 2020
Chicago, Ill. 60601
(312) 821-0201
Fax: (312) 821-0202
Web site: www.nafem.org
E-mail: info@nafem.org
Top officer: Deirdre Flynn
North American Blueberry Council
2390 E. Bidwell St., Suite 300
Folsom, Calif. 95630-3873
(916) 983-0111
Fax: (916) 983-9022
Web site: www.blueberry.org
E-mail: admin@ushbc.org
Packaging Machinery Mfrs. Institute
4350 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 600
Arlington, Va. 22203
(703) 243-8555
Fax: (703) 243-8556
Web site: www.pmmi.org,
E-mail: expo@pmmi.org
Top officer: Charles Yuska
Paperboard Packaging Council
201 N. Union St., Suite 220
Alexandria, Va. 22314
(703) 836-3300
Fax: (703) 836-3290
Web site: www.ppcnet.org
E-mail: paperboardpackaging@ppcnet.org
Top officer: Jerome Van de Water
Plastics Institute of America
University of Massachusetts Lowell
333 Aiken St.
Lowell, Mass. 01854-3686
(978) 934-3130
Fax: (978) 458-4141
Web site: www.plasticsinstitute.org
E-mail: contact@plasticsinstitute.org
Top officer: Aldo Crugnola
Private Label Mfrs. Assn.
369 Lexington Ave.
New York, N.Y. 10017
(212) 972-3131
Fax: (212) 983-1382
Web site: www.plma.com
E-mail: info@plma.com
Top officer: Brian Sharoff
Quality Chekd Dairies Inc.
1733 Park St.
Naperville, Ill. 60563
(630) 717-1110
Fax: (630) 717-1126
Web site: www.qchekd.com
E-mail: qchekd@qchekd.com
Top officer: Peter Horvath
Refrigerated Foods Assn.
2971 Flowers Road S., Suite 266
Atlanta, Ga. 30341
(770) 452-0660
Fax: (770) 455-3879
Web site: www.refrigerated
E-mail: info@refrigeratedfoods.org
Top officer: Terry Dougherty
School Nutrition Association
700 S. Washington St., Suite 300
Alexandria, Va. 22314
(703) 739-3900
Fax: (703) 739-3915
Web site: www.asfsa.org
Top officer: Karen Johnson
Society of the Plastics Industry
1667 K St. N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 974-5200
Fax: (202) 296-7005
Web site: www.plasticsindustry.org
Top officer: William Carteaux
U.S. Dairy Export Council
2101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 400
Arlington, Va. 22201-3061
(703) 528-3049
Fax: (703) 528-3705
Web site: www.usdec.org
E-mail: info@usdec.org
Top officer: Tom Suber
Regional Listings
Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
3-1750 The Queensway, Suite 1311
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9C 5H5
(905) 271-8338
Fax: (905) 271-8344
Web site: www.cifst.ca
E-mail: cifst@cifst.ca
Food Processors of Canada
350 Sparks St.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 7S8
(613) 722-1000
Fax: (613) 722-1404
Web site: www.foodprocessors.ca
E-mail: fpc@foodprocessors.ca
South America
Instituto Nacional Do Plastico
(Brazilian Plastic Institute)
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1779
6th Floor
Sao Paulo, Brazil 01452-914
+55 11 3814-8142
Fax: +55 11 3814-8604
Web site: www.exportplastic.com.br
E-mail: delarovera@exportplastic.com
Top officer: Wagner Delarovera Pinto
American Dairy Assn. & Dairy Council Inc.
219 S. West St., Suite 100
Syracuse, N.Y. 13202-1205
(315) 472-9143
Fax: (315) 472-0506
Web site: www.adadc.com
Top officer: Rick Naczi
Eastern Perishable Products Association
17 Park St.
Wanaque, N.J. 07465
(973) 831-4100
Fax: (973) 831-8100
Web site: www.eppainc.org
E-mail: eppa@eppainc.org
Top officer: Michael Ryan
New England Dairy & Food Council / New England Dairy Promotion Board
1034 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, Mass. 02215
(617) 734-6750
Fax: (617) 232-0229
Web site: www.newenglanddairycouncil.org,
E-mail: info@newenglanddairycouncil.org
Top officer: Gary Wheelock
North East Fresh Foods Alliance
1189R N. Main St.
Randolph, Mass. 02368
(781) 963-9726
Fax: (781) 963-5829
Web site: www.neffa.com
E-mail: andrea@neffa.com
Top officer: Andrea Walker
American Dairy Assn. & Dairy Council Mid East
5950 Sharon Woods Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43229
(614) 890-1800 or (800) 292-MILK
Fax: (614) 890-1636
Web site: www.adadcmideast.com,
E-mail: info@drink-milk.com
Top officer: Scott Higgins
Mid-Atlantic Dairy Assn.
325 Chestnut St., Suite 600
Philadelphia, Pa. 19106
(215) 627-8800
Fax: (215) 627-8887
Web site: www.dairyspot.com
Top officer: Patty Purcell
Carolina/Virginia Dairy Products Assn.
P.O. Box 3159
Durham, N.C. 27715-3159
(919) 382-0333
Fax: (919) 383-0035
Web site: www.drinkmoremilk.org
E-mail: whitney@drinkmoremilk.org
Top officer: Stevie Hughes
Southeast United Dairy Industry Assn.
5340 W. Fayetteville Road
Atlanta, Ga. 30349
(770) 996-6085
Fax: (770) 996-6925
Web site: www.southeastdairy.org
E-mail: info@sudiainc.com
Top officer: Cheryl Hahn
Midwest Dairy Assn.
2015 Rice St.
St. Paul, Minn. 55113
(651) 488-0261
Fax: (651) 488-0265
Web site: www.midwestdairy.com
E-mail: info@midwestdairy.com
Top officer: Mike Kruger
Midwest Dairy Foods Assn.
3280 Riverside Drive, Suite 10
Columbus, Ohio 43221
(614) 326-6433
Fax: (614) 442-5516
E-mail: kristen@ohiogrocers.org
Top officer: Kristen Mullins
Midwest Food Processors Assn. Inc.
P.O. Box 1297
Madison, Wis. 53701-1297
(608) 255-9946
Fax: (608) 255-9838
Web site: www.mwfpa.org
E-mail: info@mwfpa.org
Top officer: John D. Exner
St. Louis District Dairy Council
1254 Hanley Industrial Court
St. Louis, Mo. 63144-1912
(314) 961-3100
Fax: (314) 961-8820
Web site: www.stldairycouncil.org
Top officer: Rita Duncan
North Central Cheese Industries Assn.
South Dakota State University
Box 2104
Brookings, S.D. 57007
(605) 688-4166
E-mail: david.henning@sdstate.edu
Top officer: David Henning
Northwest Food Processors Assn.
9700 S.W. Capitol Highway, Suite 250
Portland, Ore. 97219
(503) 327-2200
Fax: (503) 327-2201
Web site: www.nwfpa.org
E-mail: nwfpa@nwfpa.org
Top officer: David Zepponi
Western Dairy Council/Western Dairyfarmers Promotion Association (WDC/WDPA)
12000 N. Washington, Suite 200
Thornton, Colo. 80241
(303) 451-7711 or (800) 274-6455
Fax: (303) 451-0411
Web site: www.wdairycouncil.com
E-mail: info@wdairycouncil.com
Top officer: Thomas Jenkinson
State Associations
Dairy Council of Arizona / United Dairymen of Arizona
2008 S. Hardy Drive
Tempe, Ariz. 85285-6877
(480) 966-7211
Fax: (480) 966-8074
Web site: www.dairycouncilofaz.org,
E-mail: tbaker@azmilk.org, uda@udaz.org
Top officer: Tammy Baker
California Assn. of Dairy and Milk Sanitarians
c/o Dairy Research & Information Center
Dept. of Food Science and Technology
University of California
Davis, Calif. 95616-8598
(530) 752-2191
Fax: (530) 752-4759
Web site: www.cadms.org
E-mail: jcbruhn@ucdavis.edu
Top officer: John Bruhn
California Cheese and Butter Assn.
1011 Pebble Beach Drive
Clayton, Calif. 94517
(925) 672-8255
Fax: (925) 673-0268
Web site: www.cacheeseandbutter.org
E-mail: director@cacheeseandbutter.org
Top officer: Lisa Waters
California Creamery Operator’s Assn.
313 Casa Linda Drive
Woodland, Calif. 95695
(530) 662-1228
Fax: (530) 668-1959
Web site: www.ccoadairy.org
E-mail: genestarkey@charter.net
Top officer: Gene Starkey
California Dairy Research Foundation
502 Mace Blvd., Suite 12
Davis, Calif. 95616
(530) 753-0681
Fax: (530) 753-1453
Web site: www.cdrf.org
E-mail: odonnell@cdrf.org
Top officer: Joseph O’Donnell
California Milk Advisory Board
400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 220
South San Francisco, Calif. 94080
(650) 871-6459
Fax: (650) 583-7328
Web site: www.realcaliforniacheese.com
E-mail: sandre@cmab.net
Top officer: Stan Andre
California Milk Processor Board
1801 A. Fourth St.
Berkeley, Calif. 94710
(510) 883-1085
Fax: (510) 883-1088
Web site: www.gotmilk.com
E-mail: lynna@gotmilk.com
(Move to new address pending at press time)
Dairy Council of California
1101 National Drive, Suite B
Sacramento, Calif. 95834-1901
(916) 263-3560
Toll free: (866) 572-1359 (outside CA), (877)
324-7901 (inside CA)
Fax: (916) 263-3566
Web site: www.dairycouncilofca.org
Top officer: Peggy Biltz
Dairy Institute of California
1127 11th St., Suite 718
Sacramento, Calif. 95814
(916) 441-6921
Fax: (916) 441-0802
Web site: www.dairyinstitute.org
Top officer: Rachel Kaldor
Dairy Farmers Inc.
166 Lookout Place, Suite 100
Maitland, Fla. 32751
(407) 647-8899
Fax: (407) 647-0606
Web site: www.floridamilk.com
Top officer: Michele Cooper
Dairy Council of Florida
(See Dairy Farmers Inc.)
Florida Assn. for Food Protection
P.O. Box 160032
Altamonte Springs, Fla. 32716-0032
(407) 682-4720
Web site: www.fafp.net
E-mail: FAFP2000@hotmail.com
Top officer: Natalie Dyenson
Georgia Dairy Products Assn.
1239 Second St.
P.O. Box 801
Macon, Ga. 31202-0801
(478) 743-8612
Fax: (478) 743-8278
Top officer: Patricia Tisdale
Idaho Dairy Council / United Dairymen of Idaho
10221 W. Emerald, Suite 180
Boise, Idaho 83704
(208) 327-7050
Fax: (208) 327-7054
Web site: www.idahodairycouncil.org
E-mail: dsessions@udidaho.org
Top officer: Deana Sessions
Idaho Dairy Products Commission
(See Idaho Dairy Council)
Dairy and Nutrition Council Inc. / Milk Promotion Services Inc.
9360 Castlegate Drive
Indianapolis, Ind. 46256
(317) 842-3060 or (800) 225-6455 (inside IN)
Fax: (317) 842-3065
5605 U.S. 31 South, Suite 2
South Bend, Ind. 46614
(574) 299-8040
Web site: www.indianadairycouncil.org
Top officer: Deb Osza
Iowa Dairy Foods Assn.
321 E. Walnut St., Suite 200
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
(515) 237-1180
Fax: (515) 288-9409
E-mail: mtruesdell@BevingLaw.com
Iowa Dairy Products Assn.
8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 37
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
(515) 331-8989
Fax: (515) 331-8972
Top officer: Norm Moklestad
Iowa State Dairy Assn.
Dairy Center
101 N.E. Trilein
Ankeny, Iowa 50021
(515) 971-3620
Fax: (515) 964-5498
Web site: www.iowadairy.org
E-mail: erinv@iowadairy.org
Top officer: Scott Niess
Dairy Products Assn. of Kentucky
514 General John Payne Blvd.
Georgetown, Ky. 40324
(502) 867-7843 (phone and fax)
E-mail: davidklee14@bellsouth.net
Top officer: David Klee
Kentucky Dairy Development Council
176 Pasadena Drive
Lexington, Ky. 40503
(859) 516-1129
Web site: www.kydairy.org
E-mail: kddc@kydairy.org
Top officer: Roger Thomas
Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion BoardLouisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry
Marketing Division
P.O. Box 3334
Baton Rouge, La. 70821-3334
(225) 922-1277
Fax: (225) 922-1289
E-mail: info@ldaf.state.la.us
Louisiana Dairy Products Assn.
P.O. Box 1006
Baton Rouge, La. 70821
(225) 343-8801
Top officer: Gerald Simmons
Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council/ Maine Dairy Promotion Board
333 Cony Road
Augusta, Maine 04330
(207) 287-3621
Fax: (207) 287-7161
Web site: www.drinkmainemilk.org
E-mail: info@drinkmainemilk.org
Top officer: Cheryl Beyeler
Michigan Dairy Foods Assn.
P.O. Box 15339
Lansing, Mich. 48901
(517) 485-1450
Fax: (517) 485-9408
E-mail: chris@kindsvatterassociates.com
Top officer: Chris Kindsvatter
Michigan Milk Producers Assn.
41310 Bridge St.
P.O. Box 8002
Novi, Mich. 48376-8002
(248) 474-6672
Fax: (248) 474-0924
Web site: www.mimilk.com
E-mail: Schulkey@mimilk.com
Top officer: Elwood Kirkpatrick
United Dairy Industry of Michigan
2163 Jolly Road
Okemos, Mich. 48864-3961
(517) 349-8923 or (800) 241-MILK (inside MI)
Fax: (517) 349-6218
Web site: www.udim.org
E-mail: udim@udim.org
Top officer: Nick Bellows
Dairies Federation of Minnesota
1469 Edgcumbe Road
St. Paul, Minn. 55116
(651) 470-4488
Top officer: Wyman Spano
Minnesota Milk Producers Assn.
413 S. 28th Ave.
Waite Park, Minn. 56387
(320) 203-8336
(877) 577-0741
Fax: (320) 203-8322
Web site: www.mnmilk.org
E-mail: mmpa@mnmilk.org
Top officer: Bob Lefebvre
American Dairy Association / Dairy Council of Nebraska
8205 F St.
Omaha, Neb. 68127-1779
(888) NEB-MILK
(402) 592-3355
Fax: (402) 592-1503
Web site: www.nebmilk.org
E-mail: info@nebmilk.org
Top officer: Mike Roder
Nebraska Dairy Industry Development Board
Web site: www.dairy.state.ne.us
Dairy Council of Utah/NevadaMountain West Dairy Promotion
South Nevada Office
5836 S. Pecos
Las Vegas, Nev. 89120
(702) 315-0520
Fax: (702) 315-0521
North Nevada Office
2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 206A
Sparks, Nev. 89431
(775) 674-4015
Fax: (775) 674-4017
E-mail: dairycouncil@charter.net
Web site: www.dairycouncilutnv.org
New York