Membrane Technology Forum

tongPhillip S. Tong, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
California Polytechnic State University

Dr. Tong has over 35 years of experience in dairy foods science and technology research and education with Cal Poly, Kraft, Clorox, Foremost Technical Center. He was instrumental in establishing and growing Cal Poly’s Dairy Products Technology Center, and served as a Professor and its Director for over 15 years. Dr. Tong is an internationally recognized expert in dairy foods science. His work has involved a wide range of separation, concentration, purification and thermal processes as it applies to dairy foods (fermented milks, fluid milks, dairy beverages, frozen desserts, cheese, butter, etc.), dairy ingredients (MPC, WPC, NFDM, SMP, etc.) and other food systems. He has co-authored over 100 publications on dairy foods and related technologies. He organized and led the instruction of over 50 short courses and symposia on dairy foods and he has given over 300 presentations to industry groups and academics in 10 countries including China, Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Ireland, Australia, Canada. He has mentored over 25 MS and PhD students.

Dr. Tong is now an independent consultant to the dairy and food industries and Cal Poly Professor Emeritus. He is currently serving as Technology Consultant and member of the Center of Excellence of the American Dairy Products Institute, Executive Director of the California Creamery Operators Association, Section Editor of the Journal of Dairy Science, Member of the International Dairy Federation Dairy Science and Technology Committee and he writes the quarterly column, ”Culturally Speaking”, in Dairy Foods Magazine. He has served as President and member of the Board of Directors of the American Dairy Science Association, and Past Chair of the Dairy Foods Division of Institute of Food Technologists. He has received numerous awards including: 2016 Fellow of the American Dairy Science Association, 2015 Southern California Institute of Food Technologists Distinguished Achievement Award, the American Dairy Science Association Award of Honor in 2014, Cal Poly Graduate Studies and Research 2014 Career Award in Recognition for Securing Over $10 million, the American Dairy Products Institute Award of Merit in 2013, and the International Dairy Foods Association Dairy Research Award of the American Dairy Science Association in 2006.

Useful Life of Membranes for Dairy & Food Applications

The useful life of membranes is a critical characteristic for the successful application of membrane processes in dairy and food processing. Three membrane experts will share their knowledge and experience on how membrane materials, membrane module design, membrane system operations, and actual food plant operations may affect actual membrane life as it relates to process yields, permeate flux, product quality, and overall economic process efficiency. Gain insights on the best practices to select, operate and maintain membrane processes to maximize the useful life of membranes. Join the discussion on what is still needed to improve the useful life of membranes.


Advisory Committee