By Phil Domenico

Yogurt has a storied history dating back 4000 years, when ancient inhabitants of Bulgaria carried fermented sheep's milk in bags around their waists. Bulgaria is proud of inventing and producing the healthiest yogurt in Europe - thanks to their unique bacteria.

In the early 1900s, Bulgarian scientist Stamen Grigorov isolated the bacteria that make yogurt. Russian Nobelist Ilya Mechnikov attributed yogurt as the reason why Bulgarians lived so long. He linked aging to toxic bacteria in the bowel, and showed that fermented milk inhibits these germs with its low pH1, and by seeding the intestine with good bacteria21,27,28. Mechnikov named the yogurt microorganism Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and encouraged yogurt consumption18. Industrialization began when Isaac Carasso’s small yogurt business in Barcelona came to America during the Nazi reign36.

A mildly sour-tasting yogurt is Bulgaria’s heritage, and is still considered the best of all dairy products currently available. Bulgarians consume ~400,000 tons per year. Nothing tastes quite like it.

Organic yogurt benefits the health of children

Kids are most vulnerable to toxic runoff and poor nutrition from industrial farming, which has been linked to learning deficits, autism and cancer9,29. That’s what makes high quality, organic dairy worth it.

Buying organic is also nutritionally sound. Omega-3 fats in full-fat, organic dairy promote cognitive, motor and visual development. Healthy brains depend on omega-3s from animal fat11,12,14,32. Omega-3s also reduce anger18, eczema15 and inflammation32. Children obtain these essential nutrients mostly from fish, meat, dairy, eggs and breast milk. Vegetarian omega-3s are healthy, but are converted inefficiently to brain fats30.

Childhood obesity is a serious public health threat. Roughly 9 million children over age six are obese13. Full fat, organic, fermented dairy may reduce food cravings and help manage weight, with its low glycemic index5, and abundance of protein, calcium35, omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)4. Fat-soluble antioxidants in grass-fed dairy also help protect against the ravages of obesity and metabolic dysfunction10,22,33.

Milk quality hinges on what cows eat. When free to graze, the good fats in milk get much better (CLA is 60% higher in milk from grazing cows). Women who eat organic dairy have 50% more CLA in their breast milk25. CLA helps reduce body fat and maintain muscle4. The natural form of CLA from dairy is far superior to synthetic supplements.

Milk from grazing cows is also much higher in omega 3, vitamin E, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin3. Full fat dairy helps meet the daily needs of these powerful antioxidants for eye, skin and cardiovascular benefits6. Pasture-fed milk is also lower in inflammatory omega-6 fats. Generally, grazing cows produce more nutrients than grain-fed cows38, and customers say it tastes better3. Grazing also reduces fossil fuel consumption significantly, since grain production and chemical spraying are energy intensive23.

The health benefits of dairy fat

Not all fats are bad. Some fats are quite beneficial, especially when organic. Fat from cows subjected to GMO grain, corn and toxic chemicals is tainted with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, and omega-6 fats. In contrast, organic dairy fat is largely toxin-free and more nutrient dense.

Cholesterol is not bad, either, unless it’s damaged. Free radicals - from poor diet, heat exposure or stress - oxidize fats, but antioxidants from wholesome, fresh dairy protect fats from rancidity. Processed foods and sugar are what really fuel the current obesity epidemic, not cholesterol2,5.

Saturated fat is also not bad. The Mediterranean diet teems with saturated fat, yet is heart healthy26. Fat provides flavor in food, stimulates fat burning, and promotes satiety, which helps with weight loss. Saturated fat also promotes fertility. Expectant and lactating mothers would benefit from eating full-fat organic yogurt. However, conventional dairy fat contains far more toxins and fewer nutrients.

Full-fat, organic dairy is key to a weight loss program7. Numerous studies support low-carb, high-fat diets for weight loss2,8,34. Carb restriction shifts metabolism towards fat burning, leading to appetite reduction, weight loss, and cardiovascular health2,34. Foods high in protein and calcium help protect bone during weight loss, compared to high-carb diets31. Dairy calcium, CLA4 and omega-3 fatty acids20 also help with weight control. Thus, weight management may hinge on milk quality17.

Thank you, Bulgaria for giving us yogurt

Trimona Yogurt is Bulgaria’s finest; the only yogurt that’s organic, grass-fed, unstrained (with whey protein), low in lactose16, and derived from whole milk. Trimona’s live, active cultures help control harmful germs, improve digestive health24, increase nutrient absorption, and bolster immunity21,38. It tastes so good and is so good for you.

Bulgarian yogurt is praised for its rich, creamy taste and healthfulness. Its tartness denotes low sugar (lactose), which helps prevents spoilage. All ingredients in Trimona Yogurt are certified organic, which prohibits antibiotics, hormones, toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Choosing Trimona contributes to a cleaner, safer earth and healthier people.

Phil Domenico is a research scientist and author of numerous peer-reviewed and trade publications. He received a BA from SUNY at Albany in biology/psychology, a PhD in microbiology from the University of Texas Health Sciences System, and held postdoctoral fellowships at the Rockefeller University in New York and LSU Medical Center in New Orleans. Follow Domenico on Twitter: @drwillip and read his blog, "The Science of Nutrition.


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