Organic-Bio Churn Butter
This Bullange-branded product is the latest butter entry from Germany’s Büttlinger Butterei. The product is described as milk and made from ingredients sourced from organic farming. Each 250-gram plastic-lined paper package retails for 1.29 euros ($1.75).
Buttercream with Garlic and Parsley
This new spread from Tolle combines butter and sour cream, along with garlic and parsley, with a fat content of 37 percent. Sold in a 250-gram lithographed plastic tub, it carries a suggested retail price of 1.04 euros (about $1.40).
Light Butter
Czech Republic
Lactalis has launched this spreadable light butter product under its President brand in the Czech Republic. This sweet, unsalted product claims a 40 percent fat content, or nearly half of what it previously had. Each 250-gram plastic tub sports a shrink-sleeve label and retails for 1.80 euros ($2.45).
Omega 3 Butter
United Kingdom
This product comes from St. Ivel’s Utterly Butterly brand. Its Omega 3 Butter contains lower saturated fat levels than regular butter, a health benefit highlighted on the packaging in green. Retail price was not available at press time.
Reduced Fat Butter Blend
The Home Cuisine Co, brings us Helga’s Light Reduced Fat Butter Blend, which claims to be spreadable right out of the refrigerator. Blended with sunflower oil, it’s said to contain 25 percent less fat than regular butter. Each 425-gram plastic tub retails for 3.76 AUD (about $3.10).
Original Butter
Hong Kong
Rich in omega-3 and -6, Flora Original Butter from Unilever is also cholesterol free. Halal-certified, each 500-gram plastic tub  retails for 20.90 HKD (about $2.70).
SOURCE: Mintel’s Global New Products Database
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