The company first introduced its sweet acidophilus milk in 1976, and has since sold over 38 million gallons. Healthy acidophilus and bifidum cultures are found naturally in the body's digestive tract. Doctors recommend Purity's AB milk products because they replenish the body of natural microflora that are destroyed by processed foods and antibiotics, and because they provide additional health benefits not found in regular milk. Purity's new 0% Plus takes the healthy idea a step further by delivering these cultures in fat free milk.
"This new Zero Plus milk tastes so good, people just can't believe it's fat free," says Tim White, Vice President of Milk Sales. "We are thrilled to offer a milk product that includes every healthy benefit, without sacrificing taste."
Purity has enlisted the help of Matt Lindahl and his "Milk Jug Band" to put a fresh face on 0% Plus. Lindahl captured third place in last summer's Nashville Star competition and the hearts of audiences across America. Most recognized for his red hat, overalls and washboard, Lindahl was said to have "put the fun and personality back into country music" after his performances on the USA Network show.
Although Lindahl traded his red cap for a navy blue Purity cap, designed especially for him, he still appears with his washboard in the multimedia ad campaign.